Sebaran Spasial Jejak Aktivitas Babi Hutan (Sus scrofa Linnaeus 1758) di Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai

Babi Hutan (Sus scrofa) adalah salah satu kelompok mamalia yang menjadi hama di kebun sekitar kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai. Sebaran spasial aktivitas babi hutan digunakan untuk mengetahui sebaran dan pergerakan babi hutan di beberapa tipe tutupan vegetasi yaitu di hutan alam, hutan tanaman, dan kebun di Resort Argalingga, SPTN wilayah II Majalengka, Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai. Pengambilan data sebaran spasial menggunakan teknik pengamatan jejak, analisis vegetasi, dan wawancara. Teknik pengambilan data sebaran jejak aktivitas menggunakan metode strip tansect. Sebanyak 16 jejak ditemukan di kebun, 98 jejak di hutan tanaman, dan 33 jejak di hutan alam. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa sebaran spasial jejak aktivitas babi hutan dipengaruhi oleh tipe tutupan vegetasi. Babi hutan melakukan aktivitas berjalan, makan, berkubang, mengasah taring atau menggesek tubuh, berlindung, dan membuang kotoran. Selain itu, babi hutan terbukti menyebar hingga ke kebun untuk mencari makan.

Kata kunci : babi hutan, hama, sebaran spasial, taman nasional Gunung Ciremai, tipe tutupan vegetasi.


FRISKA MEGA UTAM1. Spatial Distribution of Traces of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa Linnaeus,1758) Activity in Mount Ciremai National Park. Supervised by YANTO SANTOSA.

Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) is one of group of mammals which become pests in gardens around the area of Mount Ciremai National Park. The spatial distribution of wild boar activity was deteimined to find out its distribution and movement in several types of vegetation cover are natural forest, plantation forest, and gardens at Resort Argalingga, SPTN region lI Majalengka, Mount Ciremai National Park. The data spatial distribution is retrieved using the technique of indirect observation (Traces), vegetation analyze, and interview. Indirect distribution using strip tansect method. Based on the observations have been found 16 traces in the garden, 98 traces in plantation forest, and 33 traces in natural forest. Hypothesis test results showed that the spatial distribution traces of wild boar activity is influenced by the type of vegetation cover. Wild boar committing several activities are walk, eat, wallowing, sharpening fangs or• swipe the body, cover, and dispose of feces. In addition, wild boar proven spread to the gardens for foraging.

Keywords: Mount Ciremai national park, pest, spatial distribution, trace, vegetation cover, wild boar.

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