Similaritas Morfologi Katak Yang Ditemukan Di Sisi Timur Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai


A study on the Morphological Similarity of Frogs that caught at the Eastern of Mount Ciremai National Park, West Java was conducted to know the species that were caught and its morphological similarity. Survey methode was used with incidental sampling. Base on obtaineddata, coefficient association were calculatted then analyzed by Single Linkage Clustering NTSYS Version 2.0 programe. The result showed that caught frog consists of ten species, namely Bufo melanosticus, Bufo asper, Lymnonectes kuhlii, Fejervarya cancrivora, Lymnonectes macrodon, Lymnonectes microdiscus, Rana chalconota, Leptobrachium hasseltii, Polypedates leucomystar dan Philautus aurifasciatus. According to themorphological similarity, it were known that between Lymnonectes microdiscus and Lymnonectes macrodon had the closest relationship with coefficient association of 0,96, on the other hand Philautus aurifasciatus and Phrynoidis aspera had the most distance relationship, with coefficient association of 0,23. This study can be used as a base line data for further research and concervation efforts.

Key word : morphology, frog, Mount Ciremai National Park

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