Moss (Bryophyta) is one of the plants that enter into the category of Iower Moss have in terrns of aesthetics or beau. ty of shapes and colors are very =active. Besides rnoss also has benefits both for health in forest ecosystems. on moss diversity is necessary to know the types as initial data for purposes in Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai (TNGC). The research is to know the diversity of moss and lichen diversity correlation with analysis in TNGC region. The method used is exploration and of lichen flora in a way roaming. Moss regional diversity index TNGC into two: the first in Blok Leweung Buah with a diversity index of 2.234 31ok Ciwaruling at 1.666. The lack of correlation between the diversity of moss biophysical factors.
Keywords: Diversity, Benefits, Correlation, Leweung Buah, Ciwaruling
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