Tourism Object Leles campground is locate in Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai area include into SPTN II Majalengka region. Nature Tourism Leles campground TNGC is managed independently in Mitia Pariwisata Gunung Ciremai Group (MPGC) group, although it has a diverse potential Nature Tourism Object eles Area in 2017 has decreased the number of visitors so it needs to be done development strategy to increase visitor interest. This research was conducted in the area of Nature Tourism Land of Leles Campground Nasional Gunung Ciremai TNGC). The method used of this research were to know the potential is an explorative method while to develop the development strategy using SWOT analysis, where SWOT analysis identifies internal and external factors, maps development positions and develops a development strategy with a SWOT matrix. The results show that the potential of Leles TNGC Campground is the existence of natural beauty, Curug Leles, Waterfall Park, Camping Ground, Tenjo Gunung and Flora and Fauna. The position of development is in quadrant 1(one) which means that is a very favorable situation that the tourist area has the strength and the opportunity so that it can take advantage of opportunities. The development strategy is implemented by developing all potentials in cooperation with the surrounding comrnunity by designing unique designs while maintaining the unique tourist attraction by preserving them, for example Leles tree (Ficus glandulifera). Leles TNGC campus Nature Reserve area can be used as educational tour for visiting students by increasing the students knowledge about the types of animals and plants. Maintain existing facilities to be use for the long term as well as for the convenience of visitors.
Keywords: Tourism area, SWOT analysis, internal and external factors, development position, development strategy.
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